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Welcome to our finance and money management blog we are here to help readers such as yourself learn to live your dreams by taking back control of your finances!

This site was created because we came to a clear realization that we all could use some extra help when it comes to money and having a better quality of life.  Growing up most of us followed the map that was laid out for us to gain success. You know… Go to school get good grades; go to college, graduate and get a good job; get married, buy house, and start a family, etc.

What happens if…

That plan doesn’t quite work? If you graduate after four years of college just to find it extremely difficult to get a job.  Or you find a job, but it is leading you nowhere fast.  No one really talks about how expensive creating a family can be especially, if your income is limited.

What happens then?

Typically and almost with certainty, you receive more advice on how you should go back for more schooling to work towards finding a “better job.” As if that plan worked the first time…

The traditional road map in our opinion seems a little outdated. Gone are days where you spend 40 plus years with one employer.  With the steady arrival of automation and technology jobs are becoming more difficult to find.

My story

What happened to me as it seems to happen to most people nowadays was a somewhat unexpected layoff. I spent nearly five years in the same position and saw no real end in sight, besides quitting. I was miserable at my job and finding another job just to do something I was not passionate about was disheartening.  I thought of going back to school and it made me cringe just thinking about the additional loans I would have to take. The investment did not seem worth it.

Being laid off was a double edged sword.  It sucked. But, it fueled a knew sense of entrepreneurship within me where, I literally vowed to never let an employer have that much control over my economic freedom.  Honestly, had it not been for my savings and managing my money well throughout the years I would have been screwed!

We all can agree that an unexpected lost of income can have devastating consequences.

Which brings me to my second realization that people have serious money issues.  How many family members and friends do you know that are working multiple jobs, just to make ends meet? Or could not survive a month if an income faced peril. Millennials have become the generations of side hustlers and side gig…  Don’t get me wrong its great if those hustles end up working for you and lead to a path of financial freedom. Though, majority of our side hustles we do is out of necessity, one income just doesn’t cut it anymore.

Bringing me to my final realization that I could utilize this blogging platform to help provide tips, money strategies and ways to earn extra income.  Sharing the information we find that have worked for other in ourselves and keeping you our reader informed.

Dream Passively…

Our society has an age old problem that has plague generations after generations, money management! The lack of education on how to manage it; how to save/invest it; and even how to make more of it literally causes struggles and devastation.

Think of some of your issues that you currently have or are going through… Many are rooted or can be solved with a little more money.

Dream Passively will provide different money making options or side hustles, if you will, that are out there to help with debt. In highlighting the issues around money we hope to broaden your understanding of it, which in turn create a better relationship.

There are so many ways to generate full time income that are not the conventional 9 to 5 that we all know.  We will highlight nontraditional income options that you may not have thought about.

We believe in utilizing multiple streams of income to generate and grow wealth.  Depending on one income stream such as a job is almost a guarantee to living a frustrated and uneventful life with limited income.

People earn income four basic ways:

  • Employee
  • Self Employed
  • Business Owner
  • Investor

The first two ways in generating income require a lot of your time, own efforts, and your presence. The last two methods of making money requires less of your time once established.  Business owners make money with the efforts of others.  An investor basically has money that makes more money for him/her.  True freedom and being financial independent.

Learn the different ways to invest your money; tools and techniques to save money; and many different opportunities that maybe unconventional, but can earn job like income.

Our ultimate goal is for you to get ahead of the “money game” so that your money begins to make you more… money! This is known as “passive income.”

So learn, interact, and grow with us and “Dream Passively!”

Here Is To A Dream Life!

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